Dr.-Ing. Simon Fuhrmann
I am working for Google Seattle as a Software Engineer after transferring from Google Zurich.
Previously I was a PhD Student at TU Darmstadt in Michael Goesele's research group. I worked on computer graphics and computer vision problems with a focus on geometry reconstruction from photos.
One of my hobbies is photography of landscapes, cityscapes and people. I particularly enjoy the technical aspects of photography such as post-processing, retouching, and color-grading.
I received my PhD from TU Darmstadt in Germany. My areas of research are computer graphics and computer vision with a focus on image-based geometry reconstruction. The details of the techniques I developed are described in the publications available below.
I developed, with the help of others, a system called MVE, the Multi-View Environment. The system takes photos of an object as input and reconstructs the 3D geometry of the object. It has been published as free, open-source software and is available on GitHub. Refer to the MVE website at TU Darmstadt for more details. MVE also contains the Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction algorithm for large, multi-scale, point-based reconstruction tasks.
PhD Thesis
Scene Reconstruction from Multi-Scale Input DataSupervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Goesele
Reviewers: Prof. Brian L. Curless (Ph.D.), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Theobalt
Defended on 18th June 2015.
Research Papers
MVE - An Image-Based Reconstruction EnvironmentSimon Fuhrmann, Fabian Langguth, Nils Moehrle, Michael Waechter and Michael Goesele
In: Computer & Graphics, Invited Paper, 2015.
Accurate Isosurface Interpolation with Hermite Data
Simon Fuhrmann, Misha Kazhdan and Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision, Lyon, France, 2015.
Multi-View Photometric Stereo by Example
Jens Ackermann, Fabian Langguth, Simon Fuhrmann, Arjan Kuijper and Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
MVE - A Multi-View Reconstruction Environment
Simon Fuhrmann, Fabian Langguth and Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Darmstadt, Germany, 2014.
Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction
Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele
In: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2014), Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
Geometric Point Light Source Calibration
Jens Ackermann, Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization, Lugano, Switzerland, 2013.
Photometric Stereo for Outdoor Webcams
Jens Ackermann, Fabian Langguth, Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of CVPR 2012, Providence, USA, 2012.
Fusion of Depth Maps with Multiple Scales
Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele
In: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), Hong Kong, China, 2011.
Automatic Construction of Statistical Shape Models for Vertebrae
Meike Becker, Matthias Kirschner, Simon Fuhrmann, Stefan Wesarg
In: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Toronto, Canada, 2011.
Direct Resampling for Isotropic Surface Remeshing
Simon Fuhrmann, Jens Ackermann, Thomas Kalbe, Michael Goesele
In: Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization, Siegen, Germany, 2010.
Ambient Point Clouds for View Interpolation
Michael Goesele, Jens Ackermann, Simon Fuhrmann, Carsten Haubold, Ronny Klowsky, Drew Steedly, Richard Szeliski
In: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2010), Los Angeles, USA, 2010.
Scene Reconstruction from Community Photo Collections
Michael Goesele, Jens Ackermann, Simon Fuhrmann, Ronny Klowsky, Fabian Langguth, Patrick Muecke, Martin Ritz
In: IEEE Computer (Issue June 2010), Invited Paper, 2010.
A New Projection Method for Point-Set Surfaces
Thomas Kalbe, Simon Fuhrmann, Stefan Uhrig, Frank Zeilfelder, Arjan Kuijper
In: European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), Annex to the Conference Proceedings, Munich, Germany, 2009.